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Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Paw Cleaner
Light GreenLight GreyPink

The Paw Cleaner is a great way to keep your pet's paws clean and free of dirt, mud, and other debris. This handy small device is compact and simple to use, making it great for cleaning on the go. The soft silicone bristles gently scrape away dirt and debris, while the built-in comb aids in the removal of any leftover dirt or debris. On hot summer days, the Paw Cleaner is particularly wonderful for dry paw cleansing. Fill the cup halfway with water, add your pet's paw, and watch the dirt and debris dissolve.